Ramblings of a Coder's Mind

Got Tech? Will Hack.

What are event driven architectures?

A couple of years ago, I was part of group of individuals working on defining different Event Driven architectures during a weekend summit. A summary of the summit was already published by Martin Fowler as first as a blog and later as a talk, the blog takes a slightly different view than the explanation I needed and thus this post was created. This is a recreation of the contents in the talk. If you have watched it, you can skip reading this summary.

What is event driven?

This technique is a popular technique to avoid coupling in

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MLOps: Building a healthy data platform

Spoiler: MLOps is to ML Platforms what DevOps is to most tech products. If you think this means MLOps is automating your deployments, this article is for you.

MLOps Cover Art: Collaboration between Data Scientists, Data Engineers and Operations users

What is DevOps and how is it so much bigger than automating deployments?

You know that a term you coined has made it mainstream when people use it regularly in conversations and rarely understand what you meant.

 — Martin Fowler (paraphrased from an in-person conversation)

Rouan summarises DevOps culture well in Read on →

Data storage patterns, versioning and partitions

When you have large volumes of data, storing it logically helps users discover information and makes understanding the information easier. In this post, we talk about some of the techniques we use to do so in our application.

In this post, we are going to use the terminology of AWS S3 buckets to store information. The same techniques can be applied on other cloud, non cloud providers and bare metal servers. Most setups will include a high bandwidth low latency network attached storage with proximity to the processing cluster or disks on HDFS if the entire platform uses HDFS. Your

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Fixing broken Social logins on your browser

Privacy vs Convienience is a constant battle. Personally, I prefer dialing up my privacy up to 11 to avoid being tracked. Every once in a while, social logins are important because it’s the only way to use a service. If this service is an internal company login that only uses social login via the company’s Google ID, you don’t have much of a chance.

If your login just won’t work, try changing the following settings

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The Science in the Art of the Showcase (for distributed teams)

Showcases are a key part of our agile ceremonies. We showcase our work to our stakeholders for feedback at the end of every iteration. And as with every presentation, I believe there is a Science in the Art of the Showcase (for distributed teams).

On one of our recent teams, our showcases had challenges. Each of these challenges is a piece of feedback. We added structure to our showcases by running it like a theatre recording TV shows.

This isn’t revolutionary stuff. This is an attempt at defining a structure that should make it easier to organize showcases based off a check-list.

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Upgrade everything in brew

Homebrew is a the missing package manager for Mac OS. Brew cask extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to Mac OS applications and large binaries alike.

If you’re using these tools and would like to upgrade all of the applications you have, run the following command.

brew update && brew upgrade && (brew cask outdated | cut -f 1 -d " " | xargs brew cask reinstall) && brew cleanup

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